Saturday, November 15, 2014


A big thanks goes out to Dick White who used the donation button on this site. Every contribution helps me stay more in the gym :D so I can come up with better videos and photos for you guys!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Still alive and kicking!

Took a long break from posting stuff here, but I'm back :D With new videos and more photos from training and competitions! and yes, my beard got bigger :D

Friday, February 14, 2014


Apparently someone is trying to be funny with I deleted all the paying videos from want me personally on Skype Flexing, nude...not alone...etc...on skype...

Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year starts!

Happy New Year everyone! Finally all the holidays have passed, relaxation and slacking off time is over so a new year of training starts off with a new week! Some back and shoulder training today, getting back in shape and beyond my old self :D I will keep you posted with more photos and videos! Don't hesitate to contact me for shows on skype or sponsorships! Let's have a stronger new year :D !